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Not sure where to start? Don't know what we're looking for? Check out some of the prompts and the works that inspired Loose Leaf down below!

Prompts and Inspiration


1. Write about a place in nature that you have an emotional connection to. What is it like? Why is it so special to you?
2. What’s a bizarre plant you didn’t know existed? Research it.
3. You’re gardening one day. You run your hands through the soil, and they brush up against something hidden in the dirt. What is it?


The Loose Leaf Journal takes a lot of its thematic inspiration from titles like Wake the Bones by Elizabeth Kilcoyne and The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin.

These works highlight the environment and nature in differing ways, but still center it in their novels. Both comment on class and gender, also, while using the environment in a meaningful way.

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